10 Questions from Cape Town Magazine
Cape Town Magazine reached into the quirky corners of deep shelves and hauled out 10 fun questions for me: Photo cred: Michael Salzwedel.
“It really is idiot-proof”
A flavourful review by Lynn Lister of The Mercury, who writes: “I’ve kind of given up as far as cooking goes… Last year I would have said I could boil an egg, but after watching a MasterChef Australia 2012 episode in which the two judges had different ways of doing this most simple of tasks, […]
“Die Jong Turk”
“Die Jong Turk” noem Die Rapport se Elmari Rautenbach my in hierdie interessante artikel “Supersterre op die boekrak”. “As jy wil weet hoe om braaihoender te maak, dit met groente in ’n maaltyd-in-een om te tower, uiewiggies te sny én die hoender uiteindelik te kerf, lees haar boek, of kyk sommer na haar reeks “Hoe om […]
The Witness: book snaps
“Well-illustrated and lively”. We like that. Link to the Witness page here.
Yum-mo in my tummo
Jenny Morris writes up a bit of Yum-mo (okay, mostly, she reshuffles the press release) And shares my tuna bake recipe, here.
Yum-mo in die Beeld
Wat ’n eer om in die Beeld te wees. Sien hieronder die volle ‘spread’ of kyk na die aanlyn artikel hier
Yum-mo op Kwêla
Yum-mo was laas week op Kwêla! I was really pleased to land a slot on Kyknet’s big lifestyle show, Kwêla. The shoot was a racket – with shoppers in our tiny local Pick ’n Pay trying to edge their trolleys into the frame and the rain coming down halfway through the shoot sequence. Kyk hier […]
A nod from my alma mater
We put our heads together over newspaper spreads, drank and ate from vending machines and wrote, wrote, wrote. I spent many late nights in the in the labs of Rhodes University’s Journalism and Media Studies department. Perched on the hill, always beckoning, the department was a familiar place, the rooms large and full of other faces […]
Yum-mo on Fluffpot
My clever and creative friend Simone Loxton did a profile on me. I live this kind of interview – interesting questions make for fun reading. Simone was my neighbour when we did the book, and she’s in it herself. The beaut! See the link to the interview here An extract or two: This book resonates a […]