Carina Truyts


A nod from my alma mater

We put our heads together over newspaper spreads, drank and ate from vending machines and wrote, wrote, wrote. I spent many late nights in the in the labs of Rhodes University’s Journalism and Media Studies department. Perched on the hill, always beckoning, the department was a familiar place, the rooms large and full of other faces (some keen, some driven to distraction, some blazé) who were working towards the same skill, the same degree that I was.

They were wonderful, formative times. I loved to walk  the brightly-coloured, provocative hallways. Wide enough to fit a conversation in. Cameras and recorders slung over shoulders. A visit to the radio room where the padded walls protected us from outside. Journ 1 got me into food blogging. I sharpened my pencil writing for The Oppidan Press, our student newspaper. Photojourn students did the photos for the book and the Design IV students played with it (to great effect) for their semester project.

So it’s a big part of the Yum-mo story, that department. I’m so pleased they got in touch to interview me about Yum-mo.  A high-five from them is like a gold star on the chart of life. Shiny.

Here is the interview.

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